When does a child begin to speak and when does it become apparent intervention is needed or should be considered? Have you asked yourself the question: should I have my child evaluated for speech delays?
I am no doctor, but I want to share my family’s journey in hopes it provides insight and relieves worry for others.
My Son’s Journey
With my third child, as an infant and into the toddler years, it became increasingly evident he was not speaking or making verbal sounds as our older ones had at the same age. Milestones in babbling, saying “dada” and “mama,” passed us by. The pediatrician said he was progressing normally in all other areas and to wait and see if his vocal skills caught up. Twelve months, eighteen months, two years old, and still not much more than squeals and unintelligible sounds.
My worry increasingly mounted.
Fast forward to kindergarten, yes, kindergarten. My son, then five, could speak in simple words, but rarely full sentences equal to the language skills of his peers. When he was five, after years of my asking, worrying, and not knowing what to do, the pediatrician seemed to have a light bulb moment and could not believe he had not already been evaluated for speech issues.
Hearing was good, but speech was severely delayed.
That year began a journey for my son to regain what years without intervention cost him. The guilt and shame of my not seeking help on my own without the pediatrician’s referral weighed heavy. He’s now 12 years old and has made tremendous progress over the years, but he still has years of work ahead.
Should I Have My Child Evaluated for Speech Delays?
I often see online young mothers asking what is considered “normal” when it comes to speech development. They question if help should be sought. I have been in the same place and have made the mistake of listening to well-meaning voices saying “Oh, it’s normal for boys–they develop slower” or “Nothing to worry about, give him six more months and he’ll be talking up a storm.” I can share what I wish I had done from the beginning. It would have helped my son and relieved my anxiety.
Pray Specifically
Pray specifically for the Lord to bring insight, wisdom, and godly counsel. If there is a check in your spirit or a burden on your heart in this area, then commit it to prayer. Talk with those who have children in speech therapy. I have found that when I commit circumstances to prayer, the Lord will bring discernment and people into my life to speak words of truth.
Get Evaluated
One phone call to make an appointment = 10 minutes.
One appointment with a hearing pathologist / speech therapist = 1 hour.
Answers to questions = priceless.
One simple appointment when my son was still a toddler would have put him years ahead in his speech development. If you are concerned, save yourself continuous worry and anxiety and find out. Praise the Lord if the evaluation says everything is normal. An insurance co-payment is all you will be out in most cases. The peace that a one hour meeting will provide or the knowledge that intervention is needed is worth more than anyone else’s two-cents worth. This step is crucial. Just do it.
Take the Next Step
An evaluation meeting will arm you with actionable knowledge. Now you know. For some this could mean joy at a normally progressing child. For others, like me, it was being able to have questions answered and seeing steps developed for my son. I was able to become focused and intentional at home based on the guidance of speech professionals to help my child. Knowing what lay ahead for my son was hard on one hand, yet freeing on the other. Now we knew. {Many school districts have early intervention programs in place for pre-school age children that is free of charge. Check your school district for details and information on how to get evaluated through the school.}
Pray for Direction
Right back to the beginning, right back to the Lord. Give it all to Him. I have prayed over the years for just the right speech therapists for my son and the Lord has been gracious. While he has had numerous ones, the Lord has always sent a new one at just the right time for the next step in his developmental journey. The progress he has made over the years is incredible. His bravery and commitment to working hard on his speech is an inspiration to me. The Lord has showed us His mighty hand in healing over the long term with my son’s speech. I am thankful for His mercy and grace.
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